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This part containts developement milestones with accompaning documents.

1. Technical requirements

The technical requirements for O-ESD hardware are summarized along with review of multiple ESD guns available on the market. Technical specifications of hardware on the market are compared to the specification from IEC61000-4-2 standard. Technical requirements

2. Schematics and considered realizations of high-voltage generator for O-ESD

Various approaches considered as possible solutions for O-ESD are given along with the schematics in LTspice program. Schematics and possible realizations of high-voltage generator for O-ESD

3. Trade-offs and cost-benefit analysis of considered solutions

The cost-benefit analysis of considered solutions is done by taking into the account the availability of electronic components on website of online distributors of electronic components. The understood trade-offs for considered solutions are given. Trade-offs and cost-benefit analysis of considered solutions