freq - frequency in Hz Vcc - power supply voltage, professional power supply is used. Audio amplifier TDK2040 is tested. Double cascade is used with 8 diodes BY6 and 8 capacitors, per side (16 diodes and 16 capacitors are used in the total). ETD49 core with 12 isolated layers as secondary, 300um gap and 4-turn primary. Vcc = 12V f[kHz] | V[kV] --------|-------- 1 | 3.8 2 | 4.5 3 | 4.5 4 | 5.1 5 | 4.4 6 | 4.4 7 | 5.0 8 | 6.0 9 | 7.9 10 | 10.6 11 | 13.8 12 | 17.1 13 | 20.2 14 | 22.0 15 | 20.2 16 | 17.7 17 | 13.3 18 | 11.0 19 | 9.7 20 | 8.9 Vcc = 15V f[kHz] | V[kV] --------|-------- 1 | 4.4 2 | 4.6 3 | 4.7 4 | 5.0 5 | 4.4 6 | 4.4 7 | 5.0 8 | 6.1 9 | 7.6 10 | 10.6 11 | 13.7 12 | 16.8 13 | 19.1 14 | 23.0 15 | 22.1 16 | 18.4 17 | 14.5 18 | 11.3 19 | 10.3 20 | 9.2