This folder contains measurement results for prototypes v0.1 of high-voltage generator based on all considered topologies. We mix-and-match topologies previously termed as (1) flyback, (2) push-pull and (3) audio, with various trafos, cascades (single or double) and different power supplies in order to achieve as high as possible output voltage. While there are many combinations that were tested, documented ones are only those that have a significant impact on the design decisions. The results in tables are output voltages measured using 1000:1 high-voltage probe connected to DC voltmeter, hence the output voltage is given in kV. The frequency of switching flyback/push-pull or the input signal to the audio amplifier is varied. Hence, all the results are given as a function of frequency. (1) The results for flyback configuration can be found in Flyback_1.txt Flyback_2.txt Flyback_3.pdf Flyback_4.pdf and Flyback_4.png (a plot of data in Flyback_4.pdf). (2) The results for push-pull configuration can be found in Push_pull_1.txt and Push_pull_2.txt. (3) The results for audio configuration can be found in Audio_1.txt and Audio_2.txt. A document with measured results for shapers can be found in shapers.pdf. Since both shapers needed redesign, the new designs are at O-ESD > Hardware development > 5-Shapers > Shaper1_v1 and O-ESD > Hardware development > 5-Shapers > Shaper7_v2. Finally, the decisions are made taking into account all the gathered information and are summarized in Design_decisions.txt file.